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Monthly Village Hut

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Have you ever wanted to learn how to read Western Astrology Natal Charts for yourself, your friends/family, and/or how to create a business out of it? Allow us to take you through five pillars of establishing YOUR understanding and interpretation of this Intuitive art. Sonja Marie wishes to share her story, her secrets, her astrological knowledge, her spiritual practices, and resources to serve as an assistant to further expand your evolution to the knowledge of self. We will also share with you how to turn this experience into a money-making opportunity to serve your financial needs. It’s time to invest in yourself, so the universe can continue to invest in YOU. Information is always best used when shared! Join us in The Hut, and benefit from the gracious modality of Western Astrology.

This membership will automatically end after 5 months.
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$250 a month x 5

Monthly Village Hut

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